Our Mission:


Jesus is central to everything we do. We sing, pray, and preach in His powerful Name. Our past, present, and future is centered on Jesus Christ. Our purpose on this earth is to make much of Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:16-17 says (when speaking of Jesus), “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” We commit that our church is dedicated to loving this all-powerful, all-loving God with everything we have, and we invite you to join us in this desire.



Read below what motivates our church leadership and community to provide a welcoming and safe space for you and your family to experience the transforming love of Jesus Christ.

  • WELCOMING space

    As we (the body of Christ)  are a reflection of who Jesus is, it is our hope that when you enter our doors you experience and are greeted with Christ's welcoming spirit. We hope you and your family can look forward to growing in the knowledge of God while building amongst and within the community we have to offer.


    As you come to Trinity to explore the deeper matters of your heart and mind you should feel secure and safe spiritually, mentally and physically. From the top of our leadership down your physical safety and how you navigate through your mental and spiritual safety is our priority.



    We exist in Fairfield to see the love of Jesus overwhelm and transform the families of our community. We believe that there is no effort we can make that will better our society than allowing Jesus to work through us. As you enter our building we desire for you to have the expectation to see and experience the transforming love of Jesus.

Welcome to trinity!

If you're new to our church, please view this short video from Pastor Dan to hear what you can expect on Sundays at TBC. We also invite you to view our Sunday A.M. page for further details and to find out what guidelines we're following to keep everyone safe.



(Click on any image above to see gallery)
Re-live your favorite events at Trinity Baptist Church here in these gallery's!

We love to showcase our community and friends at our services, special events such as Easter, Brunch Together and our ministry gatherings like Square One Mens Bible Study, Joy in the morning and many others.

Join us Sunday Mornings -  9:30 am


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